Jonah Asks Podcast

Jonah Hall
1 min readDec 12, 2020

I’ve started a new project and I’d love for you to check it out. Jonah Asks is a podcast about being human. These talks with friends revolve around a variety of topics.

The episodes are interview-conversations with friends and friends of friends. These extended conversations often circle back to the following themes: *technology in our lives; *turning 40; *identity; *childhood; *parenting *creativity; *anxiety; *meditation/therapy *nature; *animal connections/pets; *friendship; *psychology; *socioeconomics *equality; *relationships

Broad enough? In other words, being human.

The last three episodes:

Ep 8: meet Jeremy, a Kindergarten teacher in Salt Lake City

Ep 7: meet John, a father of two boys and educational product innovator spreading English in Beijing

Ep 6: meet Bridgette, a mother of two girls and doctor in Maryland.



Jonah Hall

Writing. Poetry. Personal Essays. On the NBA, MLB, media, journalism, culture, teaching and humor.