Three New Poems: “Spark” “In the Shade” and “Sleep Lab”

Jonah Hall
4 min readMay 30, 2020

Making the best of the situation. It’s all we ever can do, but the confines of our lives have never been more visceral. A semi-permanent feeling of those limits has led to many of us feeling bitter, feeling irritable, feeling malaise, or feeling nothing at all. Many of us exist in a kind of zombie-mode, sleep-walking through our days, wondering when we’ll be able to do so many of the things we used to do, or when our jobs/entertainment/culture will come back or when we’ll know what is safe. Not knowing what’s next leads to mild anxiety and low-level stress.



Jonah Hall

Writing. Poetry. Personal Essays. On the NBA, MLB, media, journalism, culture, teaching and humor.